Foundation + Membership
Unlimited contrast therapy
Unlimited compression therapy
Minimum 3 months
Ongoing renewal until customer advises to cancel,
Four weeks notice required to cancel
Elite Membership
Includes unlimited use of following services
Compression Therapy
Hot and Cold Baths
Fire and Ice
Infrared Saunas
Foam rollers, percussion massage,
Minimum 3 months
Ongoing renewal until customer advises to cancel
Four weeks notice required to cancel
Fire and Ice Membership
Choose between unlimited 30 or 60min Fire and Ice sessions (Ice bath and Infrared Sauna protocol)
Minimum 3 months
Ongoing renewal until customer advises to cancel
four weeks notice required to cancel)
Core Membership
Unlimited access to all the basics
Normatec compression,
Percussion massage,
Hot and cold Plunge
Minimum 3 months
Ongoing renewal until customer advises to cancel
Four weeks notice required to cancel
Sauna Membership
Choose between either unlimited 30 or 40min infrared sauna sessions
Minimum 3 months
Ongoing renewal until customer advises to cancel
four weeks notice required to cancel
Lymphatic Body Roller
Choose between 1 or 3 rolls per week
minimum 3 months
Ongoing renewal until customer advises to cancel
four weeks notice required to cancel)